Resonant Blech: Emergent sound-scapes through human AI collaboration
Location: Postsparkasse/GCP - Kassenhalle, Hochparterre
Sound/Performance, 29 June 2024, 18.00
Resonant Blech is a collaborative project by Zeynep Aksöz, Nicolaj Kirisits, Alexander Urban, and Lea Karnutsch, exploring architectural objects as autonomous, social, non-human entities interacting with their environment through AI integration. A curve-folded steel structure metamorphoses into an partly autonomous instrument through induced vibrations. By integrating piezo-transducer loops, the object resonates with vibrations that form the foundational elements of the sound composition. Following an intensive exploration of diverse composition styles by Nicolaj Kirisits and Alexander Urban, an AI system crafted by Zeynep Aksöz autonomously extends existing compositions or generates new ones.
The project originated as part of the INTRA funded project Morphology of Sound in a studio collaboration between ITI TUWien and the Angewandte´s Digitale Kunst Department. Designed by Moritz Koegel, Sebastian Pfeifhofer, Lukas Piesticker, and Alexander Urban, under the guidance of Zeynep Aksöz Balzar, Nicolaj Kirisits, Klaus Filip, Alexander Karaivanov, Hans Schartner, and Mark Balzar. Material and laser cutting sponsored by Stahlbau Verband and ITI TUWien.

Resonant Blech