Sinneswandel – A Hacker’s Guide to Perception
Location: Floor 1 at Postsparkasse/GCP - Department of Digitale Kunst
What we do not perceive, we cannot truly understand. Therefore, it is important to sharpen our senses and also expand them with technical aids to be able to interact adequately with a complex and dynamic environment. Our senses help our brain to perceive things, especially because they harmonize together. Left on their own, a single sense can easily deceive us. Through the interplay of the senses, however, the brain can process impressions and combine them with previously gathered experiences. We present a reflection on an innovative interdisciplinary course that won the TRANSFORM – New Courses competition organised by the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Participants are all students of the seminar Sinneswandel – A Hacker’s Guide to Perception
